java - Type The nested type CubeRanks cannot hide an enclosing type -

this question has answer here:

i have problem java plugin. never had before. normal went good.

here code:

package me.brian.cuberanks;  import me.brian.cuberanks.cuberanks; import; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.logging.logger; import org.bukkit.chatcolor; import org.bukkit.command.command; import org.bukkit.command.commandsender; import org.bukkit.entity.player; import org.bukkit.plugin.pluginmanager;   public class cuberanks {      public class cuberanks extends javaplugin {          public static cuberanks plugin;         public final logger log = logger.getlogger("minecraft");         public boolean enabled = false;         public final playerlistener pl = new playerlistener(this);         public final arraylist<player> orehunterusers = new arraylist<player>();         public string cr = "[cuberanks] ";           @override         public void onenable() {    + "is enabled.");                pluginmanager pm = getserver().getpluginmanager();             pm.registerevents(pl, this);          }          @override         public void ondisable() {    + "is disabled.");         }          @override         public boolean oncommand(commandsender sender, command cmd, string commandlabel, string[] args) {             if(commandlabel.equalsignorecase("cuberanks")) {                 if(args.length==0) {                     if(!enabled) {                         enabled = true;                         ((player) sender).sendmessage( + cr + "is enabled");                     }                     else {                         enabled = false;                         ((player) sender).sendmessage( + cr + "is disbaled");                     }                 }             }             return false;         }     } } 

can see whats wrong?

whole error code:

description resource path location type nested type cuberanks cannot hide enclosing type /cuberanks/src/me/brian/cuberanks line 16 java problem

photo of error: this error

you have class enclosing class of same name. i'm not sure why have outer cuberanks class, either rid of outer one, or rename 1 of them.

public class cuberanks { // remove or rename      public class cuberanks extends javaplugin { // or rename         ...     }  } 

syntactically, reason why can't have inner class same name outer class remove following ambiguity:

public class ambiguous {     public class ambiguous {         ambiguous a; // <-- type ambiguous referring here?     }  } 

you argue recent enclosing type name take precedence, how refer outer type? while there theoretically ways design language around of that, it's easier disallow it.


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