javascript - Error on external jquery js script when uploaded to a server -

i have test site doing on localhost when try upload on free hosting server firebug says these.

uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected end of input jquery.js:3 uncaught typeerror: undefined not function bootstrap.min.js:6 uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'fn' of undefined bootstrap-tooltip.js:252 uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected end of input ckeditor.js:57 uncaught referenceerror: jquery not defined jquery.fancybox.pack.js:45 uncaught referenceerror: $ not defined  

why happening?

the 3 common causes unexpected end error in experience:

  1. the file upload not completed successfully. though tools filezilla may give successful message, not mean server stored file correctly. better download file , check against original sure.
  2. malfunctioning/badly configured servers may cut response or error out before serving whole file.
  3. you may have syntax error in js. (for example an unmatched brace thrown error).

as can see, #3 actual reason why error thrown, while #1 , #2 cause happen.


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