Why BDD focuses on validation while TDD focuses on verification -

i've read tdd , bdd differences , what primary differences between tdd , bdd?.

here (part of) answer:

bdd tdd different words. if tdd right, doing bdd. difference – provided believe @ least in weak form of sapir-whorf hypothesis – different words make easier right.

but still haven't been able understand why bdd focuses on validation while tdd focuses on verification.

the question bdd vs. tdd (and validation , verification) came in quiz problem:

what main difference between bdd , tdd?

  1. bdd focuses on validation while tdd focuses on verification
  2. bdd focuses on verification while tdd focuses on validation
  3. bdd better tdd @ testing methods independently
  4. bdd uses mocks , stubs more tdd

the answer question (1). elaborate on why "bdd focuses on validation while tdd focuses on verification"?


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