Highcharts: How to apply dashStyle to one column of line chart? -
i trying apply dotted line last column in highcharts line graph unable find solution.
here highcharts code:
} xaxis: { type: 'datetime', datetimelabelformats: { year: '%y' }, tickinterval: date.utc(2012, 0, 1) - date.utc(2011, 0, 1), title: { text: 'years', style: {color: '#333', fontfamily: 'sans-serif',} } } yaxis: { tickinterval: 5, title: { text: 'points', style: {color: '#333', fontfamily: 'sans-serif'} } }, series: [{ showinlegend: false color: '#000' pointinterval: 31557600000 pointstart: date.utc(2005, 0, 1) data: [data['points_2005'], data['points_2006'], data['points_2007'], data['points_2008'], data['points_2009'], data['points_2010'], data['points_2011'], data['points_2012'], data['points_2013']] }]
i have tried edit 2013 data point code:
{data['points_2013'], dashstyle: 'shortdot'}
i have attached image here explain.
thanks help!
edit: code associated comments below:
series: [ { showinlegend: false color: '#79c417' pointinterval: 31557600000 pointstart: date.utc(2005, 0, 1) pointend: date.utc(2012, 0, 1) data: [searchdata['points_2005'], searchdata['points_2006'], searchdata['points_2007'], searchdata['points_2008'], searchdata['points_2009'], searchdata['points_2010'], searchdata['points_2011'], searchdata['points_2012']] } { showinlegend: false color: '#79c417' pointinterval: 31557600000 pointstart: date.utc(2012, 0, 1) pointend: date.utc(2013, 0, 1) dashstyle: 'shortdot' data: searchdata['points_2013'] }
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