actionscript 3 - ByteArray.clear() not working for shared ByteArrays? -

it appears bytearray.clear() doesn't when share bytearray worker. take code example:

package  {     import flash.display.sprite;     import flash.system.worker;     import flash.system.workerdomain;     import flash.utils.bytearray;      public class main extends sprite      {         private var _worker:worker;          public function main():void          {             if (worker.current.isprimordial)             {                 initmain();             }             else             {                 initworker();             }         }          private function initmain():void          {             _worker = workerdomain.current.createworker(loaderinfo.bytes, true);              var bytes:bytearray = new bytearray();             bytes.writeunsignedint(12836439);             bytes.shareable = true;             _worker.setsharedproperty("bytes", bytes);             bytes.clear();             trace(bytes.length);         }          private function initworker():void         {             //worker stuff go here         }      }  } 

this traces 4, while should 0. if comment out either bytes.shareable = true; or _worker.setsharedproperty("bytes", bytes);, works perfectly, combination seems somehow disable clear() method.

curiously enough, however, happens when compiling air. when compiling flash player, clearing works should , code traces 0.

anybody know what's up?


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