azure - azcopy - remote server returned 403 forbidden -

i have several azure accounts. want copy big blog (250gb vhd) 1 account account, without downloading , uploading to/from local machine.

i tried using microsoft utility azcopy (keys replaced x's):

azcopy /destkey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /sourcekey:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

but gives me error message: error parsing destination location remote server returned error: (403) forbidden.

i tested keys , accounts opening accounts in cloudberry. got urls cloudberry well, think got right well.

what cause of 403?

azcopy command line pattern "azcopy [source] [dest] [file pattern] [options]", the [source] treated folder (if copy local folder) or virtual directory (if copied blob), is, azcopy copy files under source folder/virtual directory.

so in command line, azcopy try find virual directory equal '', know not virual directory file.

to copy single file blob, can try below command [file pattern] , option /s.

azcopy /sourcekey:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /destkey:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx neo4j-250gb.db.vhd /s 

attention, file pattern different between 'copy blob' , 'copy local folder'. when copy blob, file pattern treat prefix, , when copying local, file pattern general file system file pattern.

e.g. can use file pattern ab* when copy local specify files start 'ab', when copy blob, can specify prefix 'ab'.

for how use option /s, please go

for error '403 forbidden', not related command line pattern used, wrong key or account.

the last not least, can latest azcopy @


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