tfs2010 - TFS Build 2010 and Third party references -

in project collection, made separate project containing third - party dlls. these dlls referenced other project solutions. local build of project solutions works fine referencing these dlls in local folder third-party project maps to.

but, creating problems on tfs build server creates folder(s) before making build. hence reference path of third party dlls inside project breaks. way handle issue builds on build server?

to support team editing , build servers need make codebase relocatable. is, references need use relative paths (....\somefolder\somefile.txt) rather absolute paths (c:\mycode\somefolder\somefile.txt).

this allow programmer (or build server) map code different hard drive or folder path , still able correctly compile code.

so need store pre-built 3rd-party dlls in folder alwas tored in same place relative solution, , make sure references files (references, build event scripts, etc) use solution-relative paths.


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