c# - How to Parsing XML? -

how parse xml.here, want take name , picture url..

i trying code..

facebookclient client = new facebookclient(); var friendlistdata = client.get("https://graph.facebook.com/?ids=100005000000000&fields=name,picture"); jobject friendlistjson = jobject.parse(friendlistdata.tostring());                                  string json = convert.tostring(friendlistjson); xmldocument doc = (xmldocument)jsonconvert.deserializexmlnode(json, "root"); string xml = doc.innerxml; xdocument myxdoc = xdocument.load(new stringreader(xml)); var list = loc in myxdoc.descendants("root").elements("100005000000000")            select new            {                //id = loc.element("id").value,                name = loc.element("name").value,                url=loc.element("url").value,             }; 

but, getting error "name cannot begin '1' character, hexadecimal value 0x31." please correct it.

<root>     <100005000000000>         <name>xxx</name>         <id>100005000000000</id>         <picture>             <data>                 <url>http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-prn2/000000_100005000000000_1666666666_q.jpg</url>                 <is_silhouette>false</is_silhouette>             </data>         </picture>     </100005000000000> </root> 

here json

{   "100005000000000": {                         "name": "xxxx",                         "id": "100005000000000",                         "picture": {                                      "data": {                                                "url": "profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-prn2/…;,                                                "is_silhouette": false                                              }                                    }                       }  } 


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