docusignapi - Manipulate the document name through Connect -

is possible manipulate document name when sent using docusign connect?

we have multiple envelopes single document in each envelope name of pdf document getting sent docusign has same name it's overwriting saved document. use connect method receive xml file document pdf's , other information. i'm trying use name of document in envelope.

you cannot rename document through docusign connect, have complete control on document name when adding envelope. if you're adding through docusign console can rename file on disk before uploading. if you're adding through api, control document name through name property of documents section of request body:

    "documents": [         {             "name": "documentnamehere.pdf",             "documentid": "1",             "order": "1"         }     ] 

when adding through api can programmatically set name whatever want - instance can prompt user of code enter name, or can append date+time string filename if you're worried file overwriting.


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