java - How do I check if a environment variable exists in my pom.xml? -

if runs pom.xml nasty error because environment variable not defined. trap , show more straightforward error problem can fixed defined environment variable. know not idea have environment variable in pom, time need to. clues?

the variable java_6_home, path jdk6 since default 1 jdk7

maven-enforcer-plugin can it:

<build>    <plugins>      <plugin>         <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>         <artifactid>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactid>         <version>1.3.1</version>         <executions>            <execution>                 <id>enforce-property</id>               <goals>                  <goal>enforce</goal>               </goals>               <configuration>                  <rules>                    <requireenvironmentvariable>                       <variablename>java_6_home</variablename>                       <message>java_6_home system variable must set!</message>                    </requireenvironmentvariable>                  </rules>                  <fail>true</fail>               </configuration>            </execution>         </executions>      </plugin>   </plugins> </build> 


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