javascript - flexslider and flexcarousel on one page -

when try use "basic flexlisder" ( , "basic carousel" ( on 1 page, carousel not display properly. guessed it's fault of clashing class names (since both in <div class="flexslider">). however, after analyzing source code on flexslider page, found put carousel in <div class="flexslider carousel"> , unlike written in example, still did not help. carousel still behaves slider.

i tried copying styles new class, called flexcarousel, didn't work (even after making changes in jquery call well). has simple example of slider , carousel working on simple page?

my javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">                      //slideshow                     $(window).load(function() {                         $('.flexslider').flexslider({                             animation : "slide",                             start : function(slider) {                                 $('body').removeclass('loading');                             }                         });                     });                     //carousel                     $(window).load(function() {                         $('.flexcarousel').flexslider({                             animation : "slide",                             animationloop : false,                             itemwidth : 210,                             itemmargin : 5,                             minitems : 2,                             maxitems : 4                         });                     });  </script> 

the carousel class not make carousel, have assign items width using itemwidth, within options:

$(window).load(function() {   $('.flexslider').flexslider({     animation: "slide",     animationloop: false,     itemwidth: 210,  // must have size set switch carousel view.   }); }); 

make sure use different ids target each individual flexslider (if have more one):

<div id="main-slider" class="flexslider"> <div id="secondary-slider" class="flexslider"> 


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