uiviewcontroller - View unusable after dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: -

i'm migrating older code used nibs use manual view creation (loadview) , auto layout. root view controller container vc (with 2 children) uses auto layout , modally presents view controller has layout specified in nib , not yet use auto layout. fine after presentviewcontroller:animated:completion:, when modal view closed dismissviewcontrolleranimated:completion: via delegate call, presenting view left in strange, unusable state content weirdly shifted , not react touch.

i have tried create minimal test case reproduce problem, i've failed reproduce issue.

what causing this?

i setting translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = no; on root uiview. appears "outermost" uiview — superview @ root of view hierarchy must use default translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = yes. once i've removed this, worked expected.


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