jsp - How to add an extra URL mapping for an servlet that already mapped in Eclipse IDE 4.2? -

i want add url mapping application in eclipse. since eclipse ide not using web.xml deployment descriptor , don't know how this.

that , servlet logservlet mapped /logservlet , have need add mapping /tamil/logservlet .

since web.xml not used deployment descriptor in eclipse , don't know how .

please me in issue.

(project created in dynamic web module 3.0 in java ee 6[jdk 7] )

2) please guide me how create web.xml file contains deployment info on it.( "generate deployment descriptor stub" not generating servlet mappings , welcome pages tags )

read the javadoc:

java.lang.string[] urlpatterns url patterns of servlet

so need

@webservlet(urlpatterns = {"/logservlet", "/tamil/logservlet"})  

that said, given patterns want, seems you're confused between relative , absolute paths, , single pattern should sufficient. if want more help, explain why want these 2 patterns.


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