python - PyQt: Adding tabs -

i trying add tabs program isn't working far; tabs show on menubar , not sure why. here code:

#! /usr/bin/python  import sys import os pyqt4 import qtgui  class notepad(qtgui.qmainwindow):      def __init__(self):         super(notepad, self).__init__()         self.initui()      def initui(self):         newaction = qtgui.qaction('new', self)         newaction.setshortcut('ctrl+n')         newaction.setstatustip('create new file')         newaction.triggered.connect(self.newfile)          saveaction = qtgui.qaction('save', self)         saveaction.setshortcut('ctrl+s')         saveaction.setstatustip('save current file')         saveaction.triggered.connect(self.savefile)          openaction = qtgui.qaction('open', self)         openaction.setshortcut('ctrl+o')         openaction.setstatustip('open file')         openaction.triggered.connect(self.openfile)          closeaction = qtgui.qaction('close', self)         closeaction.setshortcut('ctrl+q')         closeaction.setstatustip('close notepad')         closeaction.triggered.connect(self.close)          menubar = self.menubar()         filemenu = menubar.addmenu('&file')         filemenu.addaction(newaction)         filemenu.addaction(saveaction)         filemenu.addaction(openaction)         filemenu.addaction(closeaction)          tab_widget = qtgui.qtabwidget(self)     # add tab         tab1 = qtgui.qwidget()         tab_widget.addtab(tab1, "main")           self.text = qtgui.qtextedit(tab_widget)         self.setcentralwidget(self.text)          self.setgeometry(300,300,300,300)         self.setwindowtitle('notepad')      def newfile(self):         self.text.clear()      def savefile(self):         filename = qtgui.qfiledialog.getsavefilename(self, 'save file', os.getenv('home'))         f = open(filename, 'w')         filedata = self.text.toplaintext()         f.write(filedata)         f.close()       def openfile(self):         filename = qtgui.qfiledialog.getopenfilename(self, 'open file', os.getenv('home'))         f = open(filename, 'r')         filedata =         self.text.settext(filedata)         f.close()  def main():     app = qtgui.qapplication(sys.argv)     notepad = notepad()     sys.exit(app.exec_())  if __name__ == '__main__':     main() 

i trying tab contains text box. great.

don't create text widget in initui, create in newfile , openfile methods , add tab_widget (also save reference tab_wiget in initui can access later). example:

def openfile(self):     filename = qtgui.qfiledialog.getopenfilename(self, 'open file', os.getenv('home'))[0]     open(filename, 'r') f:         filedata =         text_widget = qtgui.qtextedit(self.tab_widget)         text_widget.settext(filedata)         self.tab_widget.addtab(text_widget, os.path.basename(filename)) 


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