database - Android:getting illegalstateexception in my new emulator -

in old emulator program runs without thought program fine.but when try new emulator/or other emulators runs.the problem starts when click search button.when click,program unexpectedly closed.logcat says illegalstateexception , caused by: no such column as_id.but in database _id column exists.i can search in old emulator without exception.same code same database.why happening?why runs in 1 emulator? 1 please kindly tell how solve exception.

this java class program breaks

    `    public class employeelist extends listactivity {  protected edittext searchtext; protected sqlitedatabase db; protected cursor cursor; protected listadapter adapter; public integer pid=null; public databasehelper databasehelper; public book book; private static final int delete_id = menu.first+3; /** called when activity first created. */ @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.main);     db = (new databasehelper(this)).getwritabledatabase();     searchtext = (edittext) findviewbyid (;  }  public void search(view view) {                 //when click here exception     // || concatenation operation in sqlite     toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "insert successfull", toast.length_long).show();     cursor = db.rawquery("select _id, firstname, lastname, title employee       firstname || ' ' || lastname ?",              new string[]{"%" + searchtext.gettext().tostring() + "%"});    adapter = new simplecursoradapter(     this,      r.layout.employee_list_item,      cursor,      new string[] {"firstname", "lastname", "title"},      new int[] {,,});   setlistadapter(adapter);  registerforcontextmenu(getlistview()); } public void onlistitemclick(listview parent, view view, int position, long id) {     intent intent = new intent(this, employeedetails.class);     cursor cursor = (cursor) adapter.getitem(position);     intent.putextra("employee_id", cursor.getint(cursor.getcolumnindex("_id")));     startactivity(intent);    }   public void oncreatecontextmenu(contextmenu menu, view v,         contextmenu.contextmenuinfo menuinfo) {     menu.add(menu.none, delete_id, menu.none, "delete")   .setalphabeticshortcut('d');   }    @override   public boolean oncontextitemselected(menuitem item) {   switch (item.getitemid()) {   case delete_id:   adapterview.adaptercontextmenuinfo info=   (adapterview.adaptercontextmenuinfo)item.getmenuinfo();    delete(;   return(true);  }   return(super.onoptionsitemselected(item));   }    private void delete(final long rowid) {     if (rowid>0) {      new alertdialog.builder(this)     .settitle(r.string.delete_title)     .setpositivebutton(r.string.ok,                         new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {       public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog,                             int whichbutton) {            processdelete(rowid);         }        })        .setnegativebutton(r.string.cancel,                           new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {          public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog,                             int whichbutton) {          // ignore, dismiss          }        })         .show();     }   }    private void processdelete(long rowid) {      string[] args={string.valueof(rowid)};       databasehelper.getwritabledatabase().delete("employee", "_id=?", args);      cursor.requery();     }     }      ` 

my database class:

    `public class databasehelper extends sqliteopenhelper{    public static final string db_name = "employee_directory";      public static final integer version=1;      public static final string table_name= "employee";     public static final string _id= "id";     public static final string firstname= "firstname";     public static final string lastname= "lastname";     public static final string title= "title";     public static final string officephone= "officephone";     public static final string cellphone= "cellphone";     public static final string email= "email";      public static final string table_sql = "create table " + table_name+" (" +_id+" integer primary key autoincrement, "      + firstname+ " text, " + lastname+ " text, " + title+ " text, " + officephone+ " text, " + cellphone+" text, " + email+" text)";     public databasehelper(context context) {         super(context, db_name, null, version);         // todo auto-generated constructor stub     }      @override     public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         log.d("table sql", table_sql);         db.execsql(table_sql);              }      @override     public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldv, int newv) {     db.execsql("drop table if exists employees");     oncreate(db); }      }` 

my logcat says:

    ` 08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337): fatal exception: main     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337): java.lang.illegalstateexception: not  execute method of activity     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @  android.view.view$1.onclick(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.view.view.performclick(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @  android.view.view$     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.os.handler.handlecallback(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.os.looper.loop(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method)     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @$     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method)     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337): caused by: java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetexception     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method)     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.view.view$1.onclick(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  ... 11 more     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337): caused by: android.database.sqlite.sqliteexception: no such column: _id: , while compiling: select _id, firstname, lastname, title employee firstname || ' ' || lastname ?     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.database.sqlite.sqlitecompiledsql.native_compile(native method)     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.database.sqlite.sqlitecompiledsql.compile(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.database.sqlite.sqlitecompiledsql.<init>(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.database.sqlite.sqliteprogram.<init>(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.database.sqlite.sqlitequery.<init>(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.database.sqlite.sqlitedirectcursordriver.query(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @ android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase.rawquerywithfactory(     08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  @    android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase.rawquery( 08-10 01:23:12.655: e/androidruntime(337):  ... 15 more ` 

may on first emulator table not updated !

and when run code(which contains bug) on emulator gives error

you using _id column in query while column name  id in table 

so try by


changing public static final string _id= "id";


 public static final string _id= "_id"; 

inside databse class


change to

 cursor = db.rawquery("select id, firstname, lastname, title employee       firstname || ' ' || lastname ?",              new string[]{"%" + searchtext.gettext().tostring() + "%"}); 

inside main class


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