IIS Express SSL Request Redirection Issue -

i have port conflict issue. need iisexpress able cater these web request:

http:// localhost:44567/


https:// localhost:44567/

i know these conflicting ports since ssl connection should have own port. aware can solve client side changing requesting link different port.

but looking is, if there way server side(iisexpress) resolve problem. example:

if iisexpress receives http:// localhost:44567/ serve is. , if receives request for(ssl) https:// localhost:44567/ redirect different port, let https:// localhost:44569/. or maybe changing https:// http://?

is there way in iisexpress?

or there approach problem?

note: need solution server side , not client side. thank you. note: intentionally put space in domain name because not allowed put links in question.


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