Javascript Regex: how to simulate "match without capture" behavior of positive lookbehind? -

i have relatively simple regex problem - need match specific words in string, if entire words or prefix. word boundaries, this:


however, can't use word boundary condition because words may start odd characters, e.g. .999

my solution whitespace or starting token these odd cases.


now words .999 still matched correctly, captures whitespace preceding matched words/prefixes. purposes, can't have capture whitespace.

positive lookbehinds seem solve this, javascript doesn't support them. there other way can same behavior solve problem?

you can use non-capturing group using (?:):



based on want replace (and @alanmoore's point \b), want go this:

var regex = /(^|\s)(word1|word2|prefix1|prefix2)/g; mystring.replace(regex,"$1<span>$2</span>"); 

note changed first group capturing 1 since it'll part of match want keep in replacement string (right?). added g modifier happens occurrences in string (assuming thats wanted).


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