c# - No overload for 'ConnectWithFacebook_Click' matches delegate 'System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler' -

first of all, i'd establish i'm extreme n00b @ c#, i'm trying learn of intermediate example.

i found tutorial create facebook application using fb c# sdk @ http://blog.prabir.me/post/facebook-csharp-sdk-writing-your-first-facebook-application-v6.aspx. in tutorial, has used winforms, wanted courageous , made same program wpf.

i face problem see has happened many users, couldn't figure out how can fix code. receive error shown below:

no overload 'connectwithfacebook_click' matches delegate 'system.windows.routedeventhandler' 

i don't syntax errors, when start program, error appears (i think that's call runtime error?). double click error, points wpf code.

here's wpf code:

        <button x:name="connectwithfacebook" content="connect facebook" horizontalalignment="left" padding="10, 5"  margin="520,10,0,0" verticalalignment="top" background="#ff3782dc" foreground="white" borderbrush="{x:null}" fontfamily="segoe wp n light" fontsize="14" height="31" width="159" click="connectwithfacebook_click"/> 

here's c# code:

private void connectwithfacebook_click(facebookoauthresult facebookoauthresult)     {         var fblogindialog = new facebooklogindialog(appid, extendedpermissions);         fblogindialog.showdialog();          displayappropriatemessage(fblogindialog.facebookoauthresult);          if (facebookoauthresult != null)         {             if (facebookoauthresult.issuccess)             {                 console.writeline("you have connected facebook account!");             }         }     } 

please me overcome problem, hope me , c# can start beautiful learning experience. thank much.

signature of connectwithfacebook button click event handler incorrect.try this

    private void connectwithfacebook_click(object sender, routedeventargs e) {     var fblogindialog = new facebooklogindialog(appid, extendedpermissions);     fblogindialog.showdialog();      displayappropriatemessage(fblogindialog.facebookoauthresult);      if (fblogindialog.facebookoauthresult != null)     {         if (fblogindialog.facebookoauthresult.issuccess)         {             console.writeline("you have connected facebook account!");         }     } } 


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