mvvmcross - Error installing Simple.Odata via nuget on a PCL -

i have pcl targeting .net 4.5, silverlight 4+, windows phone 7.5+, .net windows store apps, mono android , monotouch

i attempting install simple.odata via nuget , getting error below. have tried many different combinations, nothing seems able pull down library. main goal develop android , touch using mvvmcross , odata services.

pm> install-package simple.odata.client installing 'simple.odata.client 0.16.0'. installed 'simple.odata.client 0.16.0'. adding 'simple.odata.client 0.16.0' uninstalling 'simple.odata.client 0.16.0'. uninstalled 'simple.odata.client 0.16.0'. install failed. rolling back... install-package : not install package 'simple.odata.client 0.16.0'. trying install package project targets  'portable-win+net403+sl40+wp', package not contain assembly references or content files compatible framework. more information,  contact package author. @ line:1 char:1 + install-package simple.odata.client + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     + categoryinfo          : notspecified: (:) [install-package], invalidoperationexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : nugetcmdletunhandledexception,nuget.powershell.commands.installpackagecommand 

looking @ says package supports windows phone 8 , higher - guess problem windows phone 7.5 not supported.


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