Sharing Session between ServiceStack in an MVC app and separate Web services project -

i have mvc powerpack web app has minimal servicestack configuration talks separate servicestack web project acts api. in other words, of services, auth, , registration coming services project, not mvc project. in mvc project have controllers inheriting servicestackcontroller , using customusersession shown in socialbootstrapapi demo.

i wondering best approach allow me share session information between 2 projects. able decorate controllers [authenticate] attribute , use servicestack authentication in mvc app well.

i have looked @ various examples, mentioned socialbootstrapapi app - of examples show servicestack configured in 1 project. how can implemented separate projects can share session info between 2 , access customusersession while @ same time being able use [authenticate] tags lock down controllers?

if 2 applications on same domain should able read same auth cookies. if on 2 separate domains have implement kind of single sign-on process / handshake.

i not sure kind of cookie servicestack drops, if mvc application has reference servicestack auth libraries should able decode cookie servicestack spits out , set user principal on mvc application.

 httpcontext.user = decodeservicestackauthcookie(httpcontext.current);   iprincipal decodeservicestackauthcookie(httpcontext context) { /* code */ } 

hope gets going on right path.


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