mvc - Orchard CMS 1.7 Custom Theme images not loading -

i had started creating new theme while using v1.6.1.

things not going custom module creation decided start scratch. time using source v1.7

i copied custom theme folder, pasted themes folder of new 1.7 project , ran site. see theme in dashboard set current theme.

now when view site none of images loading. style sheets loading, though none of images - either style sheet or views - loading.

my images in mytheme/content/images - understand how 1.6.1 required things laid out.

my content folder has web.config images folder. it's same config used in 1.6.1 i'm wondering if has changed.

in 1 of theme views have following code - worked in 1.6.1:

<img src="@url.content(html.themepath(workcontext.currenttheme,"/content/images/phonebullet.png"))" alt="t:" /> 

if output front-end get:


this tells me things appear in correct place - though i'm wondering if web.config out of date?

i have - there copy in content , copy in images:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration>   <appsettings>     <add key="webpages:enabled" value="false" />   </appsettings>   <system.web>     <httphandlers>       <!-- iis6 - request in location, return via managed static file handler -->       <add path="*" verb="*" type="system.web.staticfilehandler" />     </httphandlers>   </system.web>   <system.webserver>     <staticcontent>       <clientcache cachecontrolmode="usemaxage" cachecontrolmaxage="7.00:00:00" />     </staticcontent>      <handlers accesspolicy="script,read">       <!--       iis7 - request file exists on disk, return via native http module.       accesspolicy 'script' allow managed 404 page.       -->       <add name="staticfile" path="*" verb="*" modules="staticfilemodule" precondition="integratedmode" resourcetype="file" requireaccess="read" />     </handlers>   </system.webserver> </configuration> 

any pointers?


ok... if set project use visual studios internal development server - if tell use local iis web server - use iis express (http://localhost:30333/) - doesn't work...

update 2

ok - running iis 7 , images not load... stylesheets seem ok, images not.. grrr

any ideas don't run problem when deploy?

ok - figured it....

you need web.config in content directory - not in both content , images


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