Determine where PHP is exiting using code, not debugger -

i cannot figure out application exiting. i'd rather not bother debugger, , adding declare(ticks=1); each file pain (i'm not in mood dealing sed). similar question has been asked, not these constraints.

how can figure out code exiting?


while question similar fastest way determine php script exits, i'd find solution works without debugger. know how debugger, don't have access such tools.

you don't need add declare(ticks) files. 1 entry point enough:

<?php function my_tick() {     echo 'tick'; }  register_tick_function('my_tick'); declare (ticks=1) {     include("lib.php");     echo "1";     test(); } 

and lib.php:

<?php  echo "2";  function test(){    echo "3";  } 

and looking code-based solution assume sources provide single entry point.


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