ffmpeg animated gif is blotchy -

i generating animated gif mp4 ... due (i think) color reduction (gif requires -pix_fmt rgb24) result ... blotchy? running image through oil paint (or maybe "posterize") special effect filter. think quality better, don't know tweak.

not sure ... ooking @ color palette of resulting gif in image editor not appear have attempted create color palette specific clip, instead attempting generic palette ... wastes lot of pixmap space. is, if interpreting correctly.

any tips on preserving original video image instead of getting "posterized" animated gif?

to better looking gifs, can use generated palettes. palettegen filter generate png palette use paletteuse filter.

ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf palettegen palette.png ffmpeg -i input.mkv -i palette.png -lavfi paletteuse output.gif 


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