Insert SQL with variables and variable is not changing in loop (, postgresql)? -

i'm working on app insert data csv postgresql database. populate datagrid, loop through datagrid , insert record table (yes know code pretty verbose, want way right testing purposes). seems work perfectly; when running code , debugging, variables change during loop, but, on insert database, inserts data first row each new insert , not new variable value.

thoughts? suggestions?

here's full code:`me.btnpoupulatedata.enabled = true dim objconn new dim objcmd new dim dtadapter new dim ds new dataset dim strconnstring string dim strsql string

    'these required fields table product_template     'catc null vals exceptions     dim str_mes_type string = "fixed"     dim i_uom_id integer = 1     dim i_uom_po_id integer = 1     dim strtype string = "product"     dim str_procure_method string = "make_to_stock"     dim str_cost_method string = "standard"     dim i_categ_id integer = 1     dim str_supply_method string = "buy"     dim str_sale_ok string = true      dim str_import_date string = me.txtimportid.text      dim dgv datagridview = datagridview1     dim iimportcounter integer = 0 = cursors.waitcursor      strconnstring = "dsn=postgresql35w;database=openerp;server=localhost;port=5432;uid=openpg;pwd=openpgpwd"     objconn.connectionstring = strconnstring      strsql = "insert product_template (name,description,standard_price,list_price,mes_type,uom_id,uom_po_id,type,procure_method,cost_method,categ_id,supply_method,sale_ok,import_date) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"      dtadapter.selectcommand = objcmd     objcmd.connection = objconn      try         integer = 0 dgv.rowcount - 1              'workaround problem of not exiting loop when @ end of rows             if dgv.rowcount = 1                 exit try             end if              iimportcounter = iimportcounter + 1             me.lblrecordsimported.text = "records imported: " & iimportcounter               dim r datagridviewrow = dgv.rows(i)              '*************these changeable variables******             objcmd                 .parameters.add("name", odbc.odbctype.nvarchar)                 .parameters.add("description", odbc.odbctype.nvarchar)                 .parameters.add("standard_price", odbc.odbctype.nvarchar)                 .parameters.add("list_price", odbc.odbctype.nvarchar)             end              'name goes default code internal reference number             dim strname string             strname = dgv.rows(i).cells(0).value             dim str_description string             str_description = dgv.rows(i).cells(1).value             dim i_standard_price string             i_standard_price = dgv.rows(i).cells(2).value             dim i_list_price string             i_list_price = dgv.rows(i).cells(3).value               objcmd                 'number of parameters must equal number of ? marks in sql statement                 '14 params                 '.parameters.addwithvalue used data that's constant                 .parameters("name").value = strname                 .parameters("description").value = str_description                 .parameters("standard_price").value = i_standard_price                 .parameters("list_price").value = i_list_price                 .parameters.addwithvalue("mes_type", str_mes_type)                 .parameters.addwithvalue("uom_id", i_uom_id)                 .parameters.addwithvalue("uom_po_id", i_uom_po_id)                 .parameters.addwithvalue("type", strtype)                 .parameters.addwithvalue("procure_method", str_procure_method)                 .parameters.addwithvalue("cost_method", str_cost_method)                 .parameters.addwithvalue("categ_id", i_categ_id)                 .parameters.addwithvalue("supply_method", str_supply_method)                 .parameters.addwithvalue("sale_ok", str_sale_ok)                 '*******created new column in product_template called import_date*******                 'type set char verying, used later searching                 .parameters.addwithvalue("import_date", str_import_date)                  .commandtext = strsql                 .executenonquery()                  'delete gridview row after import                 dgv.rows.removeat(i)                 application.doevents()              end         next      catch ex exception   '          'this way resume next since there errors on specific data rows         'will ignored         importcsv()      end try      objconn.close() = cursors.default 


you should adding parameters once outside loop set parameter values inside loop using:

with objcmd     .parameters.append objcmd.createparameter("name", advarchar, adparaminput, 20)     ... end   integer = 0 dgv.rowcount - 1      dim r datagridviewrow = dgv.rows(i)     dim strname string = dgv.rows(i).cells(0).value     dim i_standard_price string = dgv.rows(i).cells(1).value     dim i_list_price string = dgv.rows(i).cells(2).value       objcmd         'number of parameters must equal number of ? marks in sql statement         .parameters("name").value = strname         ... 


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