Import data file from folder image to excel columns -

i have folder several images. import name of file on first column, image note ( can add note , fill image) , pixel dimension ( es: 800x600) on second columns.

it possible ? have many images work with. lot!

sub tgr()      const strfolderpath string = "c:\test"      dim rngdest range     dim oshell object     dim varfilename variant     dim strdimensions string      set oshell = createobject("shell.application").namespace(strfolderpath)      sheets.add     range("a1:b1")         .value = array("name", "dimensions")         .font.bold = true         .borders(xledgebottom).linestyle = xlcontinuous     end     set rngdest = range("a2")      on error resume next     each varfilename in oshell.items         strdimensions = oshell.getdetailsof(varfilename, 26)         if len(strdimensions) > 0             rngdest                 .resize(, 2).value = array(varfilename, strdimensions)                 .comment.delete                 .addcomment                 .comment.shape.fill.userpicture strfolderpath & application.pathseparator & varfilename             end             set rngdest = rngdest.offset(1)         end if     next varfilename     on error goto 0      range("a:b").entirecolumn.autofit      set rngdest = nothing     set oshell = nothing  end sub 


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