java - AWS S3 key issue for uploaded file -

i've question on s3 file key. i'm uploading image file key being url of image. here's code snippet.

 amazons3 s3 = new amazons3client(new basicawscredentials(access_key, secret_key)); putobjectrequest putobj = new putobjectrequest(bucket, key, createinputstream(image_path), createmetadata("image/jpeg")); putobj.setcannedacl(cannedaccesscontrollist.publicread); putobjectresult result = s3.putobject(putobj); 

now, here's sample key : image/staging/file/guid1234

and image name : test.jpeg

now, how looks in s3 after upload. testbucket/image/staging/file/guid1234

there's no reference of image name. image url shows

as can see, there's no reference of image name, though shows image in browser correctly. need embed url in html page, , doesn't lool ok if image name missing.

just wondering, if there's way preserve image name url looks

any pointer highly appreciated.


with s3, key should entire name want object have. in case, appears (i don't know sure since have not included code) key = image/staging/file/guid1234. if want object named image/staging/file/guid1234/test.jpeg, need set value of key image/staging/file/guid1234/test.jpeg


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