Kendo UI Scatter Chart Grouping -

i'm new kendo , javascript, , having problems getting scatter chart group properly. chart render, no grouping.

here sample of data get:

            "gradelevel": "12",             "studentcount": 7,             "studentriskfactor": 5.18         },         {             "gradelevel": "12",             "studentcount": 10,             "studentriskfactor": 5.18         },         {             "gradelevel": "9",             "studentcount": 1,             "studentriskfactor": 5.18         },         {             "gradelevel": "9",             "studentcount": 2,             "studentriskfactor": 5.18         },         {             "gradelevel": "9",             "studentcount": 3,             "studentriskfactor": 5.18 

here code i'm using create chart:

    kcschoolcrosstab = $("#schoolcrosstab").kendochart({         title: {             text: "crosstab",             font: "bold 16px arial,helvetica,sans-serif"         },         legend: {             visible: false         },         datasource: {              transport: {                  read: function (options) {                     if (!(ktvschoolfilter && ktvschoolfilter.getselectedschoolcodes() && getselectedschoolyear())) {                         options.success([]);                         return;                     }                     kendo.ui.progress(kcschoolcrosstab.element, true);                      $.getjson(helpers.toservicesurl("/getewsschoolcountvsriskscore"),                      {                     username: wsipccontext.username,                    districtid: wsipccontext.districtid,                    schoolcodes: ktvschoolfilter.getselectedschoolcodes(),                    schoolyear: getselectedschoolyear,                    //                      countofevents: 3,                    countofevents: getriskcatcount(),                    whereids: "1"                }).success(function (data) {                    options.success([]);          ;                }).always(function () {                    kendo.ui.progress(kcschoolcrosstab.element, false);                });                 },                 group: {                     field: "gradelevel"                 },                  sort: {                     field: "studentcount"                 },                  schema: {                     data: "getewsschoolcountvsriskscoreresult.rootresults"                 }              }          },          series: [{             type: "scatter",             xfield: "studentriskfactor",             yfield: 'studentcount',             color: "#4f82be"                          name: "#= group.value"         }],          legend: {             position: "bottom"         },          xaxis: {             labels: {                 step: 2,                 format: "{0}%"             },             title: {                 text: "avg. school risk score",                 font: "bold 12px  arial,helvetica,sans-serif"             } ,             majorgridlines: {                 color: "#c0c0c0"             },              minorgridlines: {                 color: "#c0c0c0"             }          },          valueaxis: [{              majorgridlines: {                 color: "#c0c0c0"             },              minorgridlines: {                 color: "#c0c0c0"             }          }],          categoryaxis: [{              majorgridlines: {                 color: "#c0c0c0"             },              minorgridlines: {                 color: "#c0c0c0"             }          }],          yaxis: {             labels: {                 skip: 2,                 step: 2             },              title: {                 text: "avg. school count",                 font: "bold 12px  arial,helvetica,sans-serif",                 margin: {                     right: 10                 }              }          chartarea: {             height: 300,             width: 500         }     }).data("kendochart");         }, 

any appreciated! thanks.

i'm pretty sure stock chart doesn't support x/y (i.e. scatter) data - if @ docs ( there category- , value-axis config parameters, nothing x- , y-axes.


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