intellij idea - Rake routes for Java web apps? -

i'm longtime desktop developer (c/c++) that's been doing web development rails since ~2005. i've been thrust onto java web application @ work , not understand how developer can grok of uri's being directed.

i'm working in intellij, , there 6 different projects contribute artifacts war. know mappings defined in web.xml, it's impossible tell there uri's directed beans or whatever.

as write have sinking feeling there's no answer, there ability straight answer of routes exposed application , point in source code la rake routes?


@dave: it's mix of jersey rest , icefaces. vaguely understand icefaces is.

is there ant script or other script anywhere contains details how projects pulled , built/packaged war?

ultimately constructed base directory containing files, directories , /web-inf directory. /web-inf protected , it's contents accessible via uri's via web.xml. outside of /web-inf in root directory accessible via uri's (relative root directory) or url's.

i'm not confident in entitled rake route, believe sinking feeling correct - see in web.xml have work in java web-apps. <servlet-class> tag maps given <servlet-name> , else in deployment descriptor, <servlet-mapping> , <url-pattern> maps given url servlet-name.


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