qt - Intercepting Tab key press to manage focus switching manually -

i want intercept tab key press in main window prevent qt switching focus. here's i've tried far:

bool cmainwindow::event(qevent * e) {     if (e && e->type() == qevent::keypress)     {         qkeyevent * keyevent = dynamic_cast<qkeyevent*>(e);         if (keyevent && keyevent->key() == qt::key_tab)             return true;     }     return qmainwindow::event(e); } 

this doesn't work, event isn't called when press tab. how achieve want?

the elegant way found avoid focus change reimplement in class derived qwidget method bool focusnextprevchild(bool next) , return false. in case want allow it, return true.

like other keys key qt::key_tab in keypressevent(qkeyevent* event)


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