can run C++ code from command line but not from debug mode in visual studio -

i compiled program below in debug mode without error. run .exe file command line when try debug code inside visual studio exception gets thrown line

detectioninternalsettings* internal_settings =            detectioninternalsettingsfactory::createfromfilesystem(                   "c:/data/card_detection_engine.yaml"); 

anyone faced situation before behavior different running command line , in debug mode.

int main(int argc, char **argv)  {     detectionsettings settings;     try     {         detectioninternalsettings* internal_settings =         detectioninternalsettingsfactory::createfromfilesystem("../data/card_detection_engine.yaml");     }     catch (const myexception &e)     {         fprintf(stderr, "exception raised: %s\n", e.what().c_str());         return 1;     }      return 0; } 

i went exception details , here first-chance exception @ 0x76e1c41f in ocrcarddetectionengine_sample.exe: microsoft c++ exception: yaml::typedbadconversion @ memory location 0x003ff0d0.

more code related createfromfilesystem

detectioninternalsettingsfactory::createfromfilesystem(const std::string &configpath)  throw (myexception) {   return new detectioninternalsettingsimpl(configpath); }  struct detectioninternalsettingsimpl : public detectioninternalsettings {     detectioninternalsettingsimpl(const std::string &config_path) {         if (config.readfromfilesystem(config_path)) {             throw myexception("bad configuration path.");         }     }      ~detectioninternalsettingsimpl() { }      core::detector::configuration config; }; 

trust debug mode exception. testing more thoroughly code doing while command line waiting problems happen.

in case, don't seem happen, because you're not doing pointer variable.


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