css - Add flexslider(s) on Jquery UI tabs - making them work -

i have flexslider working on first jquery ui tab, when place on second 1 nogo....anyone know else have add make function work? included jfiddle of 1 thats not working:

$('#slider').flexslider({                 animation: "slide",                 controlnav: false,                 animationloop: false,                 slideshow: false             });  $('#slider2').flexslider({                 animation: "slide",                 controlnav: false,                 animationloop: false,                 slideshow: false             }); 


that link had answers nothing proof working.... saw advanced slider has method make work:

<script type="text/javascript"> jquery(document).ready(function($) {      $(".ui-tabs").tabs({ select: function (event, ui) {           if ($(ui.panel).find('.advanced-slider').length) {                var interval = setinterval(function() {                     if ($(ui.panel).css('display') == 'block') {                          $('.advanced-slider').advancedslider().dosliderlayout();                          clearinterval(interval);                     }                }, 100);           }      }}); }); </script> 

from link:


so i'm wondering if how implement flexslider.

i found way!

@isherwood way close did me figure set ui tabs css:

.ui-tabs__panel {     display: block !important;     position: absolute;     opacity: 0;     z-index:0;     top: 5em;     left: -9999em }  .ui-tabs__panel--active {     opacity: 1;     z-index:1;     left: 0; } 


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