google chrome - Accessing the Cast API from within an extension page -

i working on chromecast app, , wanted incorporate chrome extension. i'm using knockout.js in order of ui. have 2 pages, 1 unsandboxed (, , other sandboxed ( none of console.log's ever called. manifest below:

{   "manifest_version": 2,   "name": "__msg_app_title__",   "description": "__msg_app_description__",   "version": "0.1",   "content_scripts": [     {   "matches": ["<all_urls>"],       "js": ["js/content/content.js"]     }   ],   "background": {     "scripts": ["js/back/background.js"],     "persistent": false   },   "permissions": [     "tabs",     "contextmenus"   ],   "page_action": {     "default_title": "__msg_app_title__",     "default_icon": {       "19": "images/icon-19.png"     }   },   "sandbox": {     "pages": ["sandboxed.html"]   },   "icons": { "48": "images/icon.png" },   "default_locale": "en" } 

is there i'm doing wrong, or that's not supported (yet??)?

did whitelist domain trying use extension on? have cast api injected page need 2 things:

<html data-cast-api-enabled="true">

and need follow steps @ bottom of page (whitelisting in extension, not same google cast device whitelisting):

that said, doubt going work. instructions getting cast api injected regular web page. however, if i'm not mistaken want api injected chrome extension page. don't know if made available there, since don't think 2 different extensions allowed interact.


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