class - C++ Private structure and non static const variables initialization -

i totally disappointed. have class, there have private structure. , what's silly problem: can't preinitialize variables!

struct somestruct     {         somestruct *next = null;         int number;     }; 

i want create easy dynamic list, adding new elements heap.
, should do?

struct somestruct     {         somestruct *next;         int number;     }; 


somestruct *newelement = new somestruct; = null; 

every time? can forget this.
please me. because it's not problem when need add 1 useless string. if have 50 default variables?

you cannot initialize class members when declare them. instead, need constructor:

struct somestruct {     somestruct(): next(null), number(0) {}     somestruct *next;     int number; }; 

alternatively, pod (plain old data), use original class no constructors , use somestruct *newelement = new somestruct(); create somestruct. initializes members zero.

also, c++11 supports in-class member initializers.


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