unit testing - Is There Documentation for xUnit++ -

xunit++ isn't same thing xunit, , google doesn't point me documentation. xunit++ site has wiki, 5 pages of general stuff, no real specifics , no tutorials.

does know of relatively complete, or detailed, documentation of xunit++. also, if know of tutorials, great!


at moment, there isn't. opened issue on author's homepage on month ago. link here.


it can assumed he's busy because programmers swamped.

i suggest making bitbucket account comment on issue, or asking author move repository github, community take care of rest of work him.

it might little bit difficult because using mecurial version control.

not of answer, there other people looking same information you.

[change 2016-05-10]
started using catch framework doing unit test in c , c++ approximately 2 months after answering question. documented , in active development on github. might worth try.


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