How to remove UINavigationBar inner shadow in iOS 7? -

inner shadow example

i'm trying put nav bar below other 1 make 1 tall nav bar. in ios 7 uinavigationbar has inner shadow on top , on bottom of it. need remove it. didn't found solution. looks shadow prerendered, in fact appears in 0.4 second after view appears.

i've tried shadow still there. removed horizontal line below bar code:

for (uiview *view in [[[self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar subviews] objectatindex:0] subviews]) {      if ([view iskindofclass:[uiimageview class]]) view.hidden = yes; } 

but can't figure out how remove shadow. lot!

i've tried this:

[self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar setshadowimage:[[uiimage alloc] init]]; 

but code doesn't remove horizontal line below bar (this method needs custom background image). use xcode version 5.0 (5a11365x)

the "horizontal" line @ bottom of navigation bar it's shadowimage. can removed applying empty uiimage. according documentation have set custom background image:

- (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload];      // set background , shadow image rid of line.     [self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar setbackgroundimage:[[uiimage alloc] init] forbarmetrics:uibarmetricsdefault];     self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar.shadowimage = [[uiimage alloc] init]; } 


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