xcode4 - How does one compile and link NASM code with Xcode? -

note question pertains xcode 4, though additional information other versions of xcode welcome.

part 4 of tutorial @ cocoa factory recommends generating object code with

nasm-2.09.10 -f macho64 hello64.asm 

(after putting nasm-2.09.10 in /usr/bin)

and linking with

gcc -m64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -isysroot /applications/xcode.app/contents/developer/platforms/macosx.platform/developer/sdks/macosx10.7.sdk -o hello64 hello64.o 

and that's fine, don't want compiling/linking @ command line, i'd click build , run , have done me. imagine there must way xcode use commands compile source when build, how?


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