file - ipad share by email subject line - set subject line -

is there way set email subject line document @

now when hit share , try send ipad, subject line is: ""

when should customized document: "application form", "waiver form", etc.

do set in acrobat (it pdf) or there code can use?


check below code email setting email subject:

uiactivityviewcontroller* avc = [[uiactivityviewcontroller alloc] initwithactivityitems:@[@"your string share"]                                   applicationactivities:nil]; [avc setvalue:@"your email subject" forkey:@"subject"];  avc.completionhandler = ^(nsstring *activitytype, bool completed) {     // ... }; 

here line

[avc setvalue:@"your email subject" forkey:@"subject"];

makes subject "your email subject" if user picks email option in uiactivityviewcontroller.

i hope helps...


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