the esper events do not perform aggregation logic correctly -

i have tuple:

public class mytuple {     private int status;      private int userid;     private int location;      private int count1;     private int count2;      // corresponding getter settrs included. } 

i create 2 esper statements epl:

select mytuple.userid userid, sum(count1) count1, sum(count2) count2 eventstream mytuple.status = -1 group userid, location;  , epl statement:  select mytuple.userid userid, sum(count1) count1, sum(count2) count2 eventstream mytuple.status = 1 group userid, location; 

the event streams registered inside configuration.

the issue facing , on 2 events being sent out.. 1 status= -1 , status = +1, incremental count of +2 on first epl statement.

however, if 1 event being sent, streams work perfectly. there thing missing here??

assuming fact have seperate listener esper view created.

best run esper user mailing list, described in create small test case , send along, make sure use recent version.

for filtering put conditions in parenthesis, preferred notation:

select ....from eventstream(mytuple.status = 1) ....


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