ubuntu - Interprocess communication using pipe in Linux -

i have written code writing number pipe in linux. under,but showing errors,can me on this.

basically problem statement program below:- 1 program open pipe, write number pipe. - other program open same pipe, read number , print them. - close both pipes

int main() {  int number;     file *fout;  fout = popen("  ","w");    pclose(fout);  return 0;  } 

now question command should give in popen command option (as shown blank above) can proceed further , write number pipe.

first, create named pipe using mknod command. mknod pipe p. read , write using functions if files. node can created using code also, using mknod function. error code eexist. more information here. http://linux.die.net/man/2/mknod


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