Does setting techOrder for video.js really work? -

due ie problems, i'm trying force video.js use techorder puts flash first (at least when ie being used, anyway). i've tried methods mentioned in, , none of them working me. i'm finding lot of people asking same general question in various tech sites, no responses of them, other version of "didn't work me, either". i've been able flash player work hacking video.js source, wrong route, since want use html5 in non-ie cases.

so: has been able make work? examples out there?

both data-setup , options block methods working me.

data-setup='{ "techorder":["flash", "html5"] }' 

in data-setup method make sure you're using single quotes around html attribute value , double quotes in json. json requires double.

the techorder preference, , isn't guaranteed. still depends on tech , video formats supported specific browser. if doesn't help, can give more specifics use case, , copy/paste code first attempts?


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