not working cookie on remote login by curl -

this sajji

i want write php app show users data ibsng system site.

in system user can login :

and see information on bellow url :

i need immiatly , created demo user :

username: demo , password: demo

u can login , see information,

what want using curl , information show users on account on site. had been sended data server , save cookie picking information up, after getting cookie it's seems i'm not logged in. tokken cookie:


it's seems ok , when request home page login form comming , header of is:

http/1.1 100 continue http/1.1 200 ok date: fri, 09 aug 2013 22:05:01 gmt server: apache/2.2.3 (centos) x-powered-by: php/5.1.6 set-cookie: ibs_sessid=7p9ncv5adb0im1f5fqf51oj4c1; path=/

expires: thu, 19 nov 1981 08:52:00 gmt

cache-control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 pragma: no-cache vary: accept-encoding connection: close transfer-encoding: chunked content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8.

as see cookie not vali more :( , don't know must anymore.

i'm waiting pro answers


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