ios - Access text from UITextField in modal View Controller from Home View Controller -

i have viewcontroller1 uilabel can present viewcontroller2 modal segue. have uitextfield in viewcontroller2 need access viewcontroller1 can set uilabel collected text.

i've tried working prepareforsegue without success. should do?


i'm using delegate, i'm doing wrong. here's code i'm using in viewcontroller2.h:

@class viewcontroller2;  @protocol vcprotocol  -(void)setname:(nsstring *)name;  @end  @interface viewcontroller2 : uiviewcontroller  @property (nonatomic, weak) id<vcprotocol> delegate; @property (strong, nonatomic) iboutlet uitextfield *namefield;  - (ibaction)setbutton:(id)sender  @end 


-(ibaction)setbutton:(id)sender {     [self.delegate setname:namefield.text]; } 

i conform vcprotocol in viewcontroller1.h. then, in viewcontroller1.m, have code:

- (void)setname:(nsstring *)name {     self.firstsignaturenamelabel.text = name; }  - (void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {     if ([segue.identifier isequal:@"sign"])     {         viewcontroller2 *vc = [segue destinationviewcontroller];         vc.delegate = self;     } } 

you can create protocol , set vc1 delegate of vc2, , using prepareforsegue set vc1 vc2's delegate should work. know said didn't work, can't see why. have try :

give identifier segue (on storyboard), , implement prepareforsegue shown below :

vc2delegate.h :

@protocol vc2delegate     - (void)updatelabel:(nsstring *)text; @end 

vc1.h :

#import "vc2delegate.h" @interface vc1 : uiviewcontroller <vc2delegate>     // stuff @end 

vc1.m :

- (void)updatelabel:(nsstring *)text {     [_label settext:text]; }  - (void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {     if ([[segue identifier] isequaltostring:@"yoursegueidentifier"]) {         vc2 * vc = [segue destinationviewcontroller];         [vc2 setdelegate:self];     } } 

vc2.h :

#import "vc2delegate.h" @interface vc2 : uiviewcontroller     @property (weak, nonatomic) id<vc2delegate>delegate; @end 


- (void)textwasupdated { // or whatever method detect text has been changed     if (_delegate)         [_delegate updatelabel:[_textview text]]; } 

tell me if works. else, prepareforsegue been called ?

edit : updated answer (wasn't needed). doesn't work :

  • is prepareforsegue called ?
  • if so, delegate method called ?
  • if delegate method isn't called, check delegate not nil.

you might want remove segue, , present modally yourself, using presentviewcontroller:animated:completion:, :

- (ibaction)buttonwastapped {     static nsstring * const idmodalview = @"modalview";     static nsstring * const storyboardname = @"mainstoryboard"     uistoryboard * storyboard = [uistoryboard storyboardwithname:storyboardname bundle:nil];     vc2 * vc = [storyboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:idmodalview];     [vc setdelegate:self];     [self.navigationcontroller presentviewcontroller:vc2 animated:yes completion:nil]; } 


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