php - XML signature differences between HEREDOC and DOMDocument -

an api client have developed works xml messages , messages signed according xml signature syntax , processing specification. after long struggle, got signatures working.

at moment building xml heredoc (simply php strings) , cleanup, i'd create xml domdocument directly. however, causes message invalidated server.

this current setup (server accepts message when signed):

$xml = <<<eot <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <directoryreq xmlns="" version="3.3.1">   <createdatetimestamp>$timestamp</createdatetimestamp>   <merchant>     <merchantid>$merchantid</merchantid>     <subid>$subid</subid>   </merchant> </directoryreq> eot;  $document = new domdocument(); $document->loadxml($xml); 

this oo approach (server rejects message when signed):

$document = new domdocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $request  = $document->createelement('directoryreq');  $xmlns = $document->createattribute('xmlns'); $xmlns->value = '';  $version = $document->createattribute('version'); $version->value = '3.3.1';  $request->appendchild($xmlns); $request->appendchild($version);  $merchant = $document->createelement('merchant'); $merchant->appendchild($document->createelement('merchantid', $merchantid)); $merchant->appendchild($document->createelement('subid', $subid));  $request->appendchild($document->createelement('createdatetimestamp', $timestamp)); $request->appendchild($merchant);  $document->appendchild($request); 

what can cause difference such xml signature invalidated server? code sign message same. server reporting "invalid electronic signature".

if required can show more code.

edit, more output , comparison of xml generated

to give more information, output of first (heredoc) xml, generated via $document->savexml():

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <directoryreq xmlns="" version="3.3.1">   <createdatetimestamp>2013-08-10t19:41:20.000z</createdatetimestamp>   <merchant>     <merchantid>0020xxxxxx</merchantid>     <subid>0</subid>   </merchant> </directoryreq> 

this output ($document->savexml()) second (direct domdocument generation) method:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <directoryreq xmlns="" version="3.3.1">   <createdatetimestamp>2013-08-10t19:41:20.000z</createdatetimestamp>   <merchant>     <merchantid>0020xxxxxx</merchantid>     <subid>0</subid>   </merchant> </directoryreq> 

in php, var_dump() gives exact same string length. if compare both strings (=== obviously) same. comparing both objects, not same.

signing example

signing occurs library xmlseclibs code (nb. both types signed same way!):

public function sign(domdocument $document, $fingerprint, $keyfile, $passphrase = null) {     $dsig = new xmlsecuritydsig();     $dsig->setcanonicalmethod(xmlsecuritydsig::exc_c14n);     $dsig->addreference($document, xmlsecuritydsig::sha256,         array(''),         array('force_uri' => true)     );      $key = new xmlsecuritykey(xmlsecuritykey::rsa_sha256, array('type' => 'private'));     if ($passphrase !== null) {         $key->passphrase = $passphrase;     }      $key->loadkey($keyfile, true);     $dsig->sign($key);      $dsig->addkeyinfoandname($fingerprint);     $dsig->appendsignature($document->documentelement); } 

if dump xml after it's signed, <digestvalue> , <signaturevalue> values different. server is correct signature invalid, cannot come clue why method works , b not.

you overwriting $merchant when create merchant element, rename variable

$merchantelement = $document->createelement('merchant'); 


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