Android: Download Manager resume issue -

i trying download file using android download manager. per docs:

the download manager conduct download in background, taking care of http interactions , retrying downloads after failures or across connectivity changes , system reboots.

but, download manager never resumes download, after network connection restored(at least, in case). tried setting request header, using addrequestheader(). nothing worked. code follows:

request request = new request(uri.parse(base_url));     request.setallowednetworktypes(downloadmanager.request.network_wifi             | downloadmanager.request.network_mobile);     request.setallowedoverroaming(false);     request.settitle("aarti");     request.setdestinationinexternalpublicdir(             environment.directory_downloads, "aarti");     if (build.version.sdk_int >= build.version_codes.honeycomb) {         request.setnotificationvisibility(request.visibility_visible_notify_completed);     } else {         request.setshowrunningnotification(true);     }     if (isresuming) {         request.addrequestheader("range", "bytes="                 + file.length());     }     enqueue = dm.enqueue(request); 

in docs, couldn't found method resuming downloads. also, have broadcastreceiver monitoring network changes.


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