c# - Building a YouTube-like Video Playing Site Using ASP.NET Techniques -

hi want create simple site allow users upload , view video. i'm using asp:literal:literal1 tool insert flash player

after necessary coding realize user can find particular video url (eg "play.aspx?id=<%#eval("id") %>" , problem when user gets playing page shows no player how fix it?please me...

it indicates can find url request cant display player

my code:

public partial class play : system.web.ui.page {     public class operatemethod     {           public operatemethod()         {          }          // ▲show flash player , can play video         public static string getflashtext(string url)         {             url = "player.swf?filename=" + url;             string str = "<object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' width='452' height='360'  id='index' name='index'><param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always' /><param name='movie' value='" +                 url + "'><embed src='" +                 url + "' id='index1' name='index1' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' swliveconnect=true allowscriptaccess='always' width='452' height='360'></embed></object>";             return str;         }      }      public class operatedata     {         public operatedata()         {          }          public static sqlconnection createcon()         {                       sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(configurationmanager.connectionstrings["databaseconnectionstring"].tostring());             return con;         }          public static sqldatareader getrow(string sql)         {             sqlconnection con = createcon();             con.open();             sqlcommand com = new sqlcommand(sql, con);             sqldatareader sdr = com.executereader();             return sdr;         }     }       public string name;        //publisher     public string videotittle; //video name     public string videocontent; //content     public string videotype;    //videotype      protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         if (!ispostback)         {             //判断用户是否登录             if (session["username"] == null)             {                 //未登录显示登录panel                 panellogin.visible = true;                 //隐藏欢迎panel                 panelhello.visible = false;             }             else             {                 //hide login pannel                 panellogin.visible = false;                 //show hello pannel                 panelhello.visible = true;                 //show login user name                 lbeusername.text = session["username"].tostring();             }          }         //play video         videoinfo();      }      protected void videoinfo()     {         //set script query detail info         string sql = "select * videoinfo id =" + request["id"];         sqldatareader sdr = operatedata.getrow(sql);         sdr.read();         //obtain video path         string link = sdr["videopath"].tostring();         //get video hit rate         playsum = sdr["playsum"].tostring();         //get number of "likes"         flower = sdr["flower"].tostring();         //get number of "dislikes"         tile = sdr["title"].tostring();         //obtain video publish date         videodate = sdr["videodate"].tostring();         //get name of publisher         name = sdr["username"].tostring();         //get video tittle         videotittle = sdr["videotittle"].tostring();         //obtain video content         videocontent = sdr ["videocontent"].tostring();         //obtain video type         videotype = sdr ["videotype"].tostring();         //judge whether path starts 'http://'         if (!link.startswith("http://"))         {             //obtain absolute path             string sss = request.url.absoluteuri;             //locate location of "play.aspx" @ string             int idx = sss.indexof("play.aspx");             //get specified string             sss = sss.substring(0,idx);             link = sss + link;         }          //show player , play video         this.literal1.text = operatemethod.getflashtext(link);          } } 



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