ruby - How can I override the Jekyll build command to set some config options only when building? -

i'm using jekyll asset pipeline build website , i'd compress website (which takes 20 seconds) when i'm publishing it. have enable these values programmatically in config file:

asset_pipeline:   bundle: false   compress: false 

i've tried code plugin isn't working. me why?

module jekyll     module commands         # overwrite here heavy work (like compressing html , stuff)         # when building site, not when testing (which uses jekyll serve)         class << build             alias_method :_process, :process             def process(options)                 require 'jekyll-press'                 options['asset_pipeline']['bundle'] = true                 options['asset_pipeline']['compress'] = true                 _process(options)             end         end     end end 

you don't need special gem - can pass multiple configuration files jekyll build:

first, regular config file, settings needed, plus values disable compressing, since don't want run each time you're building locally:


destination: _site source: src markdown: rdiscount # ... , many more settings needed  asset_pipeline:   bundle: false   compress: false 

then, need second config file publishing overrides values want different:


asset_pipeline:   bundle: true   compress: true 

so when you're not publishing, run jekyll build before.

but when you're publishing, pass both config files in right order:

jekyll build --config _config.yml,_config-publish.yml 

jekyll apply them in order passed them, settings in second file overwrite ones in first file, , bundle , compress set true in end.

in case can't control parameters passed jekyll build (maybe on github pages? never used it, maybe...) can same thing, other way round:

  • set bundle , compress true in default config file
  • whenever you're not publishing, use second _config-dev.yml file set bundle , compress false again


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