arrays - How do I get the hash name and key in TCL? -

i'm trying figure out how hash name , key in following situation. have following hash value:

set client(car) "koenigsegg" 

if pass $client(car) proc, value passed "koenigsegg". there way capture fact hash , key storing value 'client' , 'car', respectively?

for example:

proc foobar {item} {   set the_item $item  }  foobar $client(car) 

in example, proc receives value of $client(car), "koenigsegg". $item "koenigsegg", don't know kind of item is. i'd hash name "client" , key "car" know "koenigsegg" "client car".

you can pass name of array proc, use upvar access it:

proc process_array {arrayname} {     upvar 1 $arrayname myarray     puts "car $myarray(car)" }  set client(car) "koenigsegg" process_array client ;# pass name of array, note: no dollar sign 


car koenigsegg 

i hope looking for.


so, want pass 2 things proc: hash name (tcl refers "array") , index name (car):

proc process_array {arrayname index} {     upvar 1 $arrayname myarray     puts "my array $arrayname"     puts "list of indices: [array names myarray]"     puts "car $myarray($index)" }  set client(car) "koenigsegg" process_array client car;# pass name of array, note: no dollar sign 


my array client list of indices: car car koenigsegg 

update 2

it seems original poster (op) asking this:

process_array $client(car) 

and expect proc process_array figure out name of array (client) , index (car). not possible in knowledge. when tcl interpreter encounters line above, evaluates $client(car) expression , line becomes:

process_array koenigsegg 

that means within process_array, proc has no idea array. knows has passed string "koenigsegg".

now, if pass proc name of array, can figure out array's name, any indices array has. please see previous code.


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