c# - WPF DataGrid with different UserControl in each Cell -

i hava data model looks this:

public class model {     public string displayas {get;set;} // textbox, checkbox, combobox     public string value {get;set;}     public string displayname {get;set;} // row1, row2, ... } 

now want display these models in datagrid shall this: datagrid other control in each cell

how achieve this? please provide example code. tried whole day different kind of datatemplateselectors can't working

your selector selects template cells in second column based on displayas value. have add templates datagrid.resources. in second column, assign celltemplateselector

public class dynamicdatatemplateselector: datatemplateselector {     public override datatemplate         selecttemplate(object item, dependencyobject container)     {         frameworkelement element = container frameworkelement;          if (element != null && item != null && item task)         {             model model = item model;              return element.findresource(model.displayas + "template");         }          return null;     } }  <datagrid>     <datagrid.resources>         <datatemplate x:key="textboxtemplate">             <textbox text="{binding value}"/>         </datatemplate>         <datatemplate x:key="checkboxtemplate">             <checkbox ischecked="{binding value}"/>         </datatemplate>         <datatemplate x:key="comboboxtemplate">             <combobox selecteditem="{binding value}"/>         </datatemplate>     </datagrid.resources>     <datagrid.columns>         <datagridtemplatecolumn header="rowname">             <datagridtemplatecolumn.celltemplate>                 <datatemplate>                     <textblock text="{displayname}"/>                 </datatemplate>             </datagridtemplatecolumn.celltemplate>         </datagridtemplatecolumn>          <datagridtemplatecolumn header="data"               celltemplateselector="{staticresource dynamicdatatemplateselector}"/>     <datagrid.columns> <datagrid/> 


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