eclipse - Getting Theano to use the GPU -

i having quite bit of trouble setting theano work graphics card - hope guys can give me hand.

i have used cuda before , installed necessary run nvidia nsight. however, want use pydev , having several problems following 'using gpu' part of tutorial @

the first quite basic, , how set environment variables. says should 'define $cuda_root environment variable'. several sources have said create new '.pam_environment' file in home directory. have done , written following:

cuda_root = /usr/local/cuda-5.5/bin ld_library_path = /usr/local/cuda-5.5/lib64/lib 

i not sure if way has written - apologies if basic question. if confirmation indeed correct place have written it, too, helpful.

the second problem in following part of tutorial. says 'change device option name gpu device in computer'. apparently has theano_flags , .theanorc, able find out these are: files? if find them? tutorial seems assuming knowledge don't have!

thanks taking time read this: , answers appreciated - stuck @ moment!

on linux/osx:

edit or create file ~/.theanorc. file should contain:

[global] floatx = float32 device = gpu0  [nvcc] fastmath = true  [cuda] root=/usr/local/cuda-5.5/   # on mac, /developer/nvidia/cuda-5.5/ 

you need add cuda $ld_library_path variable. if you're running eclipse, can go project properties > interpreters > configure , interpreter ... > environment, , add ld_library_path variable points cuda lib folder (probably /developer/nvidia/cuda-5.5/lib64)

now when import theano should print message finding gpu. can run test code @ see if it's using gpu.


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