javascript - other way how to toggle 2 function in jQuery -

i want toggle tweenmax when click, 1, {height: '200px', ease:bounce.easeout}); here want:

function one() {, 1, {height: '200px', ease:bounce.easeout}); }  function two() {      tweenmax.from(con, 1, {height: '200px', ease:bounce.easeout}); }  $('.click').toggle(one, two); 

con div animation height when click posible ? please help

you setup variable keep track when clicked:

this using functions:

function one() {, 1, {height: '200px', ease:bounce.easeout}); }  function two() {      tweenmax.from(con, 1, {height: '200px', ease:bounce.easeout}); }  var clicked = false; $(document).on('.click',function(){       var $this = $(this);       if(clicked === false){           one();           clicked = true;       } else if(clicked === true){           two();           clicked = false;       }       return false; }); 

or use tweens right in click handler:

var clicked = false; $(document).on('.click',function(){       var $this = $(this);       if(clicked === false){  , 1, {height: '200px', ease:bounce.easeout});            clicked = true;       } else if(clicked === true){            tweenmax.from(con, 1, {height: '200px', ease:bounce.easeout});            clicked = false;       }       return false; }); 


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